Journal of Next Generation Technology

An International Open Access multi-disciplinary Journal in Science, Technology, and Sustainability

ISSN : 2583-021X

The JNxtGen Tech practice is to publish high-quality, original, innovative, scientific multi-disciplinary manuscripts with permission from the Editorial Board. The principal aim of JNxtGenTech is to bring together modern and next-generation research and development in various fields of science, technology, and environmental sciences. It includes Power Electronics and drives, Power Systems, electric machines modeling and design, control systems, non-conventional energy conversion, renewable energy, power quality and utility applications, smart grid, microgrid, sensors, electronics, communications, data transmission, transducers modeling and design, electro-physics, VLSI, Embedded systems, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, process control theory and applications, distributed systems, computer networks, and software engineering, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Sciences. Additionally, the journal encourages research on environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation technologies, green energy solutions, pollution control, waste management, water and air quality monitoring, bio-inspired nanotechnology, and the ecological impact of advanced technologies. Papers must be written in English, must not have been previously published, and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Frequency : Bi-monthly issue
Starting Year : March 2021
First Issue Published : June 2021